sound design

Sound Design is an exhibition that explores my music through three visual forms--photography, light, and video. In the first form, photography, I used a deconstructed speaker with a baloon membrane and confetti to create images that expressed my music through movement. This led to slightly differentiated images that captured each song. I laid these photographs out in a printed book, adding a colored timeline to the bottom of each page signifying the presence or absence of each instrument in the mix. 

I also used the confetti images in a video, creating extended GIFs set to each track. The images change at a different rate for each track and do an even better job of visualizing each song than the still images and book do.

The final visualization took the form of LED light bars I made using T12 tube guards, LED tape, and wax paper. The setup was controlled by Lightkey through the ENTTEC DMX USB Pro Mk2 and a SIRS-E DMX decoder. I programmed the lights to change for each track in different ways--some follow the exact BPM while others change in sync with the drum beats or melody.